The work and objectives of Conceria Zabri are aimed at a global vision of the aspects linked to sustainability.
The attention paid to these issues in the fashion sector has in fact become a crucial aspect that Conceria Zabri intends to pursue. Often, when we talk about sustainability, we immediately think of the concept of “environmental sustainability”, although the aspects to consider are much broader and commonly divided into three macro areas: environmental, social and economic sustainability (in English commonly referred to as ESG).
Environmental, economic, social
Our vision
is sustainable
In 2019,
ICEC, the
Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector, awarded 23 tanneries because with their certifications, they covered these three aspects.
Conceria Zabri is
one of them.

Other certifications and objectives

Green Objectives
Conceria Zabri is part of a pilot project of companies selected on an international level and is therefore one of the very few tanneries that has reached the progressive level of the protocollo ZDHC. The correct management of substances for the tanning field aims at achieving zero emission of dangerous substances into the wastewater. One of our main goals is to become a model for the entire fashion pipeline: improving environmental efficiency of our supply chain by using safer chemical substances to protect people and our planet.

Sustainability is
Conceria Zabri has implemented a Management System for Social Responsibility in compliance with the norm SA8000 issued by the authority Bureau Veritas. The certification of this standard proves that the combination between development and social responsibility confers huge potential, to which the Company intends to align its organisation as well as its Inspiring, decision-making and associative principles.
Conceria ZABRI S.p.a. provides a timely account of its ability to satisfy the requirements of the norm SA8000 through the following documents: